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Andromeda - Queen of the Winter Sky
Andromeda is one of the true highlights of the winter evening sky here in the Northern Hemisphere. On any clear November or December evening, you can easily find this very large constellation by looking high in the northern part of the sky.
According to mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus and Casseopeia and was one of the most beautiful of all the goddesses. The striking appearance of this beautiful constellation seems to confirm this ancient legend.
The Great Andromeda Galaxy
Once you have found Andromeda, get a pair of binoculars and use the chart we have provided to find the giant Andromeda Galaxy. It's large size should make it pretty easy to find. Although what you see through binoculars or a small telescope will look like a small cotton ball instead of the large color image at right, you should take a second to think about the size of what your are seeing. This galaxy is over 250,000 light years across, which makes it more than twice as large as our own Milky Way galaxy. It's very impressive.
Find Out More About Andromeda
- Chris Dolan's Andromeda Page
- Chris Dolan's Andromeda page has lots of technical information about the stars that make up Andromeda
- Richard Dibon-Smith's Andromeda Page
- Richard Dibon-Smith's Andromeda page has an excellent account of the mythology behind this fascinating constellation.
- SEDS - University of Arizona Andromeda Galaxy
- The University of Arizona has an excellent page all about the Androdemda galaxy.
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